Stjålne sideblikk på... AJA
Onkel Blå har ikke vært i familens eie en sesong engang, og jeg kikker allerede på andre båter. Hvor skal dette ende? Rent hypotetisk, hvis man skulle ønske seg en større og enda vakrere gammel havseiler, helt uten tanke på omfanget av båtpussen - må idealbåten i klassen 'lagom stor' være AJA - en Sparkman&Stephens design fra 1965. AJA er også meldt på Færderseilasen. Vi får innhente den og ta en nærmere titt...
Det er forøvrig ingen dårlig attest AJA får fra Rod Stephens:
"If you ever see the AJA which was built by Brudner Martinsson for Capt.Bjornefeldt and a couple of years ago I think sold to a Norwegian owner, be sure to look her over closely because I have always classified her as perhaps the best built wooden yacht that it has ever been my privilege to observe. The result was because of the extremely wonderful team work among the brothers Martinson who collectively had all the skills necessary to produce the very best, whether it be the wooden hull or the engine installation, running rigging, fittings, etc. AJA was the third boat built of our design, I believe first was CHARLOTTA, then CASELLA and finally AJA, and I still remember after the sailing trials for AJA that I was very hard put to find anything at all to put down as a result of trials. To be totally accurate, I believe I suggested they make a little change in the height of the toilet discharge pipe but normally on a similar trial sail, I could write 50, 60- or 70 items without really trying too hard. Thus you see brothers Martinson have clearly earned the high esteem that I hold for them." (Utdrag fra et brev til Svenska IW forbundet)